Monday, December 31, 2012

Get started!

Many people wonder how I keep up on my homework, work, be in shows, read, have time for a blog, AND still have time to myself. 

Well, it isn’t that simple. I would like to start off by telling you that it takes a great deal of time to get used to it. It is not as simple as a little planner… or is it?

As I was getting ready for school this year, I decided that I was going to be organized. I told myself that I was not going to slip back and be all sloppy with my life again, so I promised myself that I would find a way to be organized. So:

1. Promise yourself that you will do it

Then, I bought myself a planner. I made sure that there was enough separate space in the calendar for school, work, and stuff like that. Make sure there is more room than you need, and then some.

2. Buy a “roomie” planner

BACKTRACK! Okay, I got you all pumped up. If you haven’t already, you should do this: Find what will get you farthest in life and what will make you happier in say, a year, I.e. Making cookies for mom or starting the essay due tomorrow. Unless your mother is a psychopath, I would do the essay.

3. Set your priorities

Okay, so now that you have this planner, you need to pull ALL of your dates and things you need to get done this month (or the whole year if you’re feeling daring). USE PRIORITY!!! This might take a while, but write all the dates down for this month. Once done, figure out what days you have free.  Pick one weekend to have to yourself every month. You should clean, go see a show, or just take time to NAP. Naps are amazing.

4. Actually plan your life out

Right about now, you should feel really good about yourself. You should think “I put my whole life on paper”. HA! You are not finished. Look at your house. Your room… If you are scared, DO THAT NOW!!!

5. Fix your surroundings

You will feel much more calm, and now you can have friends over! Back to organizing: You might think you are done. Close, but no cigar (why did I say that?). You now need to think YOU! Being healthy. Many people think that I mean go to the gym every day and become vegan. No. For me, it was as simple as Stop eating meat. (not hard for me because I don’t like it), but you could do something like eat one veggie per meal, or eating breakfast, or even as simple as drinking healthy tea. Whatever it is, be good to your body.

6. Eat healthier, you will have more time in the day to be productive

Okay, now stick to it. This may not work for you, but it DEFINITELY worked for me. :)

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